What's In The Basket This Week
Candy Strip Beets
Pickling Cucumbers
Lebanese Zucchini
Lavender Charm Asian Eggplant
Some sort of Bell pepper (being determined in the field as I write this)
Be sure to check out the blog for recipes that maybe a different approach than you normally would use. Switch it up! You might like it :-)
How to Store Your Bounty Until Use
Always no matter where your produce & fruits come from, WASH BE FORE USE.
BEETS - Wash and remove beet green tops. Cook first, or place in damp dishtowel in fridge for up to 3 days. Keep beets in crisper for up to 10 days. Hint; use a spirlizer to quickly cook beets, toss in some feta cheese and pickled onions, and chopped parsley for a refreshing salad.
KIRBY CUKES - Store unpeeled in the fridge.
CARROTS - Remove tops ( there is recipes that you can use these in, I prefer however to give them to the livestock truthfully). Wash carrots and store in teh crisper. Due to the size and summer type of carrot they will not keep as long as the "winter store-bought" ones. Use soon. up to 5 days.
ZUCCHINI - Store in the fridge (5 days) or out of the fridge (1-3 days). Rinse before use.
TOMATOES - Place in your favorite tomato counter, shelf or window sill space too ripen. DO NOT refrigerate These puppies are real, not the winter ones, as it will change flavor and texture.
EGGPLANT - Lavender Charm should be redfigerated due to it's tenderness. Use within the week. May become limp in 4 -7 days, it is still usable. Stir fry works best, Asian, Indian, or even Italian of course ;-)
Remember! Ask questions at pickup - it's our time to talk.
Search our Recipes Here >
We've located and tried many of these terrific recipes, more can be found on The Farm Beet Blog - A Recipe archive that is now searchable by vegetable :-)
Chinese Eggplant Recipe with Spicy Garlic Sauce
In Other News...
Our Farmstand located at 281 Weekeepeemee Road had it's first week open!
So many neighbors, CSA members, and folks out for a drive. Please note that Harvest Cards are also accepted there, along with the 10% CSA discount.
Hours of the stand (limited fruits, no pantry, dairy, or meats):
Monday Closed
Tuesday - Friday 1-6 pm
Sat & Sunday - 10-4 pm
As normal, The shop at 15 Hollow Rd Hours are:
Monday - Closed
Tues. 10-6
Weds, 10-5
Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-5
Saturday 10-3:30
Sunday Closed
Corn Maze Update
This week, Farmer Stephen and a Carpenter family friend have constructed and put into place a nearly 50' long by 15' tall scenic overlook and bridge into the maze. Anyone who has done a remodel or construction will get a laugh out of this... We estimated it to be around $1,000 in materials, but it soon grew to nearly $5000! This bridge sure does need a lot of folks over it. Nonetheless it will be a fun Fall at The Farm.
Please be sure to tell everyone you know about the Fall Festivities.
We are opening August 30th and Running the maze until November 3rd. Tickets are available now! Use code "buy1" to receive a buy one get one offer. LIMITED TIME
Produce at Your Pickup
Please don't forget to look around the shop while your here for pickup. We have many, many new items hitting the stand! Take advantage of your Harvest Card or 10% Discount! There's so much in that small shop. Fruits, Cheese, Eggs, Ice Creams, Meats, Bacon (out of this world!), chocolate, unique pasta and lots more too!
Amanda is back!
Now that Amanda and the kiddos are back we are hoping to be on an even keel again!
If you need to switch a pickup, or can't make it by 6 (we can leave your basket out in back for you) you can email ( if not as urgent, or call our new main directory number 203-263-4550.
Any baskets not picked up on your day will go to the food bank. We can not take things off the stand, as we already had picked your basket if you do not let us know but still come in expecting something. We just need to know when you will be there. Most already do this, and we thank you!
Fall - Winter CSA SIGN UP
It maybe hot outside, but we are looking and planting ahead! Now is the time to act! We are only accepting enrollment for the next 60 days. Program begins after our summer one
CSA signup is OPEN ONLINE IT will stay open until September 23rd. We also take partial payments towards a share in store, throughout the next 8 weeks. To find out more information regarding this 10 week Fall CSA see the link below.
Thanks for supporting our farm!
Eat Healthy - Eat Local
Mike & The Farm Crew