What's In The Basket This Week

  • Sweet Corn

  • Tomatoes

  • Italian Sweet Frying Peppers

  • Red Cabbage

  • Summer Squash or Zucchini

  • Eggplant

Be sure to check out the blog for recipes that maybe a different approach than you normally would use. Switch it up! You might like it :-)

How to Store Your Bounty Until Use

Always no matter where your produce & fruits come from, WASH BE FORE USE.

  1. CORN - Store in fridge. Use within the week, understanding each day will be a little less "sweet". Best used sooner than later.

  2. SWEET PEPPER - Store in crisper for up to a week. You can also slice and freeze in a ZipLoc bag

  3. RED CABBAGE - Best in fridge, however it can be left out of direct sun on a counter for a few days until use.

  4. SQUASH - Store in the fridge (5 days) or out of the fridge (1-3 days). Rinse before use.

  5. TOMATOES - Place in your favorite tomato counter, shelf or window sill space too ripen. DO NOT refrigerate These puppies are real, not the winter ones, as it will change flavor and texture.

  6. EGGPLANT - Should be refrigerated due to it's tenderness. Use within the week. May become limp in 4 -7 days, it is still usable. Great on the grill, fried and layered with fresh cheese and sliced tomatoes, in a sauce, or used cold on a sandwich after grilling or baking.

Remember! Ask questions at pickup - it's our time to talk.

Search our Recipes Here >

Recipe Search

We've located and tried many of these terrific recipes, more can be found on The Farm Beet Blog - A Recipe archive that is now searchable by vegetable :-)

In Other News...


Our Farmstand located at 281 Weekeepeemee Road had it's first week open!

So many neighbors, CSA members, and folks out for a drive. Please note that Harvest Cards are also accepted there, along with the 10% CSA discount.

Hours of the stand (limited fruits, no pantry, dairy, or meats):

Monday Closed

Tuesday - Friday 1-6 pm

Sat & Sunday - 10-4 pm

As normal, The shop at 15 Hollow Rd Hours are:

Monday - Closed

Tues. 1-6

Weds, 10-5

Thursday 10-6

Friday 10-5

Saturday 10-3:30

Sunday Closed

Corn Maze Update

This week members of the farm crew have been going in each isle bending the growing leaves out of the path, removing rocks, and corn stubble. We are installing colorful flagging tap in each dinosaur, and preparing to install the game stations and maze map reading stations. The bridge is also nearing completion.



Please don't forget that we have lots of extra produce for sale to our CSA members (10% discount), Harvest Card Holders, and of course the public. Know anyone interested in eating fresh and local? Help us grow to offer an improved variety of produce year after year.

Fall - Winter CSA SIGN UP

It maybe hot outside, but we are looking and planting ahead! Now is the time to act! We are only accepting enrollment for the next 60 days. Program begins after our summer one

CSA signup is OPEN ONLINE IT will stay open until September 23rd. We also take partial payments towards a share in store, throughout the next 8 weeks. To find out more information regarding this 10 week Fall CSA see the link below.

Fall-Winter CSA Page

Thanks for supporting our farm!

Eat Healthy - Eat Local

Mike & The Farm Crew

