What's in the Basket!


Share for 2:

Broccoli Rabe

Caraflex Cabbage



Spring Turnips



Family Size:

Same, larger quantities


Fruit Shares:

Cherries- later in the week we are hoping for blueberries.


What's Kohlrabi??

Kohlrabi is a German turnip, with a taste similar to that of a borccoli stem, but sweeter. Kohlrabi can be cooked or eaten raw- great for coleslaw for your 4th of July gatherings, and is a good source of Vitamin C.


Care for this weeks ingredients:


Broccoli Rabe: Wash or at least rinse with cold water upon returning home from your CSA pickup. Greens wit quickly after they have been cut from the field, a quick cold bath will help them become turgid again. Wrap in dishtowel or paper towels and store in the crisper section of your fridge.


Kohlrabi & Cabbage: Store in the crisper for weeks- remove the greens from the kohlrabi for optimum freshness. The kohlrabi greens can be cooked- similar to collard greens.


Turnips: Remove the tops from the bottoms upon returning home so they don't draw moisture from the beets. The tops can be used within a couple of days- check the link for beet green recipes. Turnip bottoms can last weeks in the crisper.


Cilantro: Keep in a shallow cup of water in the fridge.



Click here for Week 4 Recipes
