Week 6 Summer CSA 2018 Newletter


Week 6 Summer CSA 2018 Newletter

Welcome to week 6 of our 2018 Summer CSA Program!

Pick up is at Woodbury Floral Designs-

15 Hollow Rd., Woodbury CT. Pick up time is 1:00pm-6:00pm on Tuesday. If you can not make it in time to pick up, please notify us at 203.266.9149 so we can make other arrangements.

ALL baskets not picked up on your pick up day will be donated to the Woodbury Food Bank.


Week 4 Summer CSA Newletter


Week 4 Summer CSA Newletter

What's Kohlrabi??

Kohlrabi is a German turnip, with a taste similar to that of a borccoli stem, but sweeter. Kohlrabi can be cooked or eaten raw- great for coleslaw for your 4th of July gatherings, and is a good source of Vitamin C.


Week 5 Summer CSA Newletter


Week 5 Summer CSA Newletter

Farm Fresh News

Those high tunnel tomatoes have come a long way!

We used to talk a lot about high tunnels, then we thought we were boring you. Then we remembered we have all these new and awesome members, soooo let's talk about them again!

A high tunnel is a greenhouse-like covering over open soil- this allows us to plant directly into the ground. How is this different from Hot House Tomatoes? Hot House tomatoes are kept in regular greenhouse structures, where the plants themselves are planted into containers and cared for on benches. The benefits of a high tunnel allow us to get the best flavor in the tomato, since they are planted directly in the soil. We are also able to plant them earlier than in the field since the protective covering keeps the strong sun's heat inside and warms the soil.

Other issues, such as pollinators come into play when in an enclosed environment, but we have put our bumble bees to work on this task back in May to ensure fruit on the vine.


Week 3 Summer CSA 2018 News Letter


Week 3 Summer CSA 2018 News Letter

What's in the Basket!


Share for 3:

Green Lettuce



Bok Choy




Family Size:

Same, larger quantities


Fruit Shares:

Strawberries from Dzen's Berry Farm and local cherries


What's Mizuna??

Mizuna is a feathery and delicate salad green from Japan. It is often found in mesculin mix and has a slight peppery flavor, but not as spicy as arugula. It can be eaten raw, sauteed, used in soup, stir fried, steamed or boiled.


Care for this weeks ingredients:


Lettuce, Bok Choy & Mizuna: Wash or at least rinse with cold water upon returning home from your CSA pickup. Greens wit quickly after they have been cut from the field, a quick cold bath will help them become turgid again. Wrap in dishtowel or paper towels and store in the crisper section of your fridge.


Broccoli: Store in the crisper to up to a week


Beets: Remove the tops from the bottoms upon returning home so they don't draw moisture from the beets. The tops should be used within a couple of days- check the link for beet green recipes. Beet bottoms can last weeks in the crisper.



Click here for Week 3 Recipes


Week 2 Summer 2018 Newsletter


Week 2 Summer 2018 Newsletter

Care for this weeks ingredients:

Lettuce, Bok Choy & Swiss Chard: Wash or at least rinse with cold water upon returning home from your CSA pickup. Greens wit quickly after they have been cut from the field, a quick cold bath will help them become turgid again. Wrap in dishtowel or paper towels and store in the crisper section of your fridge. The entire stem (leaves and all) are used on the chard.

Broccoli: Store in the crisper to up to a week

Red Radish: Remove the tops from the bottoms upon returning home so they don't draw moisture from the radish. The tops can be eaten, although have a little prickly feel. Our rabbits and chickens love the tops too if it's not your thing.

Garlic Scapes: Can be left in the fridge for weeks.


Week 14 Summer CSA   2016


Week 14 Summer CSA 2016


We have been planning our Fall/Winter CSA for months now!  We ALL know it's HOT outside, but farming is always a season or two ahead.  We have to plan NOW for our storage crops, as well as what will be seeded in our high tunnel and greenhouses for our fall/winter members, this is why our registration ENDS in just a few weeks!

Registration is open until September 30th!"


Week 12 Summer 2016 Summer CSA

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Week 12 Summer 2016 Summer CSA


"How to care for your items this week:


 The Farm's White Corn should be stored in the fridge, and (preferably) eaten the same day you bring it home.  Corn quickly looses it's sugar content every day.  Peppers should be kept in the crisper, as well as Eggplant- although please eat the eggplant before it gets "squishy".  Both peppers can be stored in the crisper.  The Rosemary should be either placed in a container of water or wrapped in a damp paper towel in the fridge.  Do not store tomatoes in the fridge- but rather on the counter- and in the sun if they have not reached desired ripeness."

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Week 9 Summer CSA Newsletter


Week 9 Summer CSA Newsletter

We're Bringing out the Grill!

You just may be lucky enough when you pick up your CSA in the upcoming weeks to try some of our produce right off the grill- including one of our favorites- CORN!



Week 8 Summer 2016 CSA Newsletter


Week 8 Summer 2016 CSA Newsletter


Welcome to Week 8 of our Summer CSA 18 Week Program!


Thanks for being a valuable part of our farm! We are excited to see you each week, and talk about the fun, delicious time you've had with each week's baskets. 


We value your feedback. With that said; please see The Farm Happenings along with "What's In This Week's Basket" video a bit further down in this email body. If you can not see entire email please click "show all" if viewing from a mobile device.


Eat Healthy - Eat Local - Everyday

~The Farm Crew

